Master Each Task with the Weekly Review & Preview

The Weekly Review is a popular productivity technique that helps us fine-tune and keep on top of our productivity system. It’s a time dedicated to reviewing both short-term tasks and our long-term goals. In today’s post, we’ll run through the concept of a Weekly Review and provide 6 simple steps to start your own Weekly …

A Stoic History of the Philosopher King Marcus Aurelius

Marcus Aurelius was one of the most important figures of the Roman Empire. He was an emperor after all. But beyond his imperial duties, he was also a Stoic philosopher. In today’s post, we’ll dive into Marcus’s life and see how Stoicism impacted his work as emperor. What is Marcus Aurelius best known for? Marcus …

Routines, Templates & Methodologies: Simple Automations can be Game-Changers

In his book, Free to Focus, Michael Hyatt discusses automation as a way to achieve mental clarity. Automation means solving a problem once, then putting the solution on auto-pilot.Michael Hyatt He divides the idea of automation into four sub-types: Self-automationProcess automationTemplate automationTech automation Normally when we think about automation, we think of the latter. After …

Who were Stoicism’s Philosophers? A Historic Stoic Timeline

Stoicism was a popular school of philosophy for around 500 years during its prime in ancient Greece and the Roman Empire. From Zeno of Citium in the year 300 BCE until Marcus Aurelius’s death in 179 AD, Stoic philosophy played a pivotal role in Europe. Today we’ll see how this practical philosophy made its way …

What is Mental Health? Managing Mental Illness with Mindfulness

Today we’re discussing a very important topic – mental health. We’ll run through the core concepts of mental health and suggest mindfulness and Stoicism practices as potential solutions. What is Mental Health? What does mental health mean? The NHS’s definition of mental health is “a positive state of mind and body, feeling safe and able …

My Top 5 Uses for the Bullet Journal System

I check in with my Bullet Journal everyday. Since I got into the system, I’ve benefited from having a reliable “external mind”, as the Getting Things Done methodology puts it. The Bullet Journal, or BuJo as it’s known by its dedicated community, is a versatile way to organise our thoughts and plan for the future. …

Optimal Pandemic Life Lessons: Exercise, Activities & Mindfulness

The world changed in the beginning of 2020. By March, most countries had entered lockdowns and spent the spring in a sort of “new normal”, isolated from the rest of the world. I’m not sure I really needed to intro that. You probably noticed! But what happens to our well-being after our daily routines disappear? …

What is Mindfulness? Foundations of Buddhism, Stoicism & Modern Psychology

Mindfulness has become a pretty hot topic over the past few decades. It’s a meditative practice that focuses on being aware of your senses and feelings in the moment. The purpose of mindfulness is to approach our senses and feelings without interpretation or judgment. We’ll start this post by discussing how mindfulness feels, before moving …

Unlock Tranquility & Objectivity with Stoic Cognitive Distancing

It probably won’t surprise you that the ancient Stoics aimed to treat their thoughts objectively. They developed the concept of cognitive distancing and taught others to do the same. Stoic cognitive distancing starts with negative visualisation and employs a method nearly indistinguishable from modern CBT. Today we’ll run through the idea developed in Stoicism and …

Learn Body Scan Meditation For Physical Stress With Exercises

When people think about mindfulness, they usually think about meditation. For example, the buddhist monk who meditates in their temple with the ultimate goal to reach enlightenment. We’ve discussed in previous posts how meditation and mindfulness are now more accessible to the world than ever. One of the first ways I ever encountered mindfulness was …