Stoicism Philosophy & Crypto Investments: How to Build Wealth & Success

Stoicism is an ancient philosophy that teaches how to live practically and ethically with the ultimate goal of having a virtuous life. On the other hand, cryptocurrency has only been around for about a decade and already grown to a total market capitalization of $2.9 Trillion by late 2021. Today’s post will apply concepts of …

Stop Seeking Approval: Respond to Insults Like a Stoic

It’s easy to get carried away when somebody insults us. Depending on the situation, it can signal that the insulter doesn’t like us or simply wants to broadcast our flaws to the world. As a practical philosophy, Stoicism teaches how we can live our best daily lives. One such lesson is how to best deal …

Negative Visualisation: The Stoic Art of Preparation & Resilience

The most unbearable things in life are often the things we never expected. And these things are unbearable because they catch us off-guard. When we expect only good things to happen to us, the smallest thing might ruin our entire day. That’s why today’s topic is negative visualisation. In this post, we’ll discuss this practice, …

How to Gain Mental Clarity & Productivity from Stoicism

Stoicism is a philosophy of life that aligns with the core practices of productivity. As opposed to surface-level productivity hacks, Stoicism offers a framework for living a productive life. In today’s post, we’ll run through some productivity lessons we can learn from the school of Stoic philosophy. As a result of such Modern Stoicism, we …

Love Your Destiny with Amor Fati & Stoicism

The Stoics made a clear distinction between things within their control and the things outside their control. That’s because nothing outside our control is actionable, it’s simply our fate. We can either choose to deny our reality or learn to embrace it. This post focuses on the Stoic concept of amor fati. We’ll discuss what …

The Life & Work of Seneca: A Stoic Playwright & Statesman

In today’s post we’re discussing the life and work of Seneca, a Stoic Playwright & Senator from the Roman Empire. We’ll also touch on some of the lessons we can take from this classic Stoic. From happiness and entertainment to embracing a virtuous death, there is much we can learn of Seneca’s work. Who was …

Living The Good Life with Stoic Master Epictetus

Epictetus was a Stoic philosopher who lived between the years 50 – 135 CE. Along with Marcus Aurelius and Seneca, Epictetus is among the most influential Stoics in history. Today we’ll discuss Epictetus’s origins, philosophy and some key takeaways. For a primer on Stoicism, you may want to know more about Stoicism in a Nutshell …

A Stoic History of the Philosopher King Marcus Aurelius

Marcus Aurelius was one of the most important figures of the Roman Empire. He was an emperor after all. But beyond his imperial duties, he was also a Stoic philosopher. In today’s post, we’ll dive into Marcus’s life and see how Stoicism impacted his work as emperor. What is Marcus Aurelius best known for? Marcus …

Who were Stoicism’s Philosophers? A Historic Stoic Timeline

Stoicism was a popular school of philosophy for around 500 years during its prime in ancient Greece and the Roman Empire. From Zeno of Citium in the year 300 BCE until Marcus Aurelius’s death in 179 AD, Stoic philosophy played a pivotal role in Europe. Today we’ll see how this practical philosophy made its way …