Stoic Mindfulness: Live in the Moment with Stoicism

Stoicism is a practical philosophy that offers a logical framework for thought. The philosophy builds largely on focusing on what you can control and living with virtue. However, Stoicism cannot benefit anyone who isn’t aware of their unconscious thoughts. We make decisions all day. It requires awareness of our thought patterns to make Stoic decisions. …

Atomic Habits: Build Good Habits in an Easy Way

Speaking of productivity and living your best life, our daily behaviours are one of the biggest factors determining our success in life. That's why building healthy habits is such a crucial skill to have. In this post, we’ll deconstruct habits - how they work and why they’re so important - before presenting James Clear’s Atomic …

What is Stoicism? Stoic Philosophy in a Nutshell

What is Stoic philosophy? Stoicism is a philosophy that originated in ancient Greece and Rome in the 3rd century BCE. The philosophy helps individuals maximise positive emotions (gratitude, joy), reduce negative emotions (anger, anxiety) and hone one's virtues of character. A Stoic lifestyle includes tools such as mindfulness and value definitions to amplify the human …

How to Manage Expectations for a More Fulfilling Life

Why Should We Manage Our Expectations? Expectations are beliefs that we set for the future. They are usually based on past experiences and set a baseline for what we believe we deserve. Unmet expectations often make us feel cheated. Somehow, we believe we should have more.  On the flip side, expectations that meet our standards …

How to Cultivate Non-Judgment for Inner Peace & Life Satisfaction

The uncultivated mind is a judgment machine. It churns out judgments about our experiences, other people and ourselves -- often to the detriment of ourselves and the people around us. Judgement is one of the primary signs of the anxious Ego. By bringing awareness to judgement we begin to expose the unconscious negative patterns that …

How to be a Modern Stoic: Stoicism in the 21st Century

We’ve discussed Stoicism in previous posts. Some of my favourites include reducing anxiety with the Dichotomy of Control, living your best life with Stoic Virtue and how to be happy generally. Today we’re going to focus on the practical side of the philosophy. After all, Stoicism is more lifestyle than philosophy. It’s often considered the …

How to Breathe during Meditation: Mindfulness of Breathing

Meditation is a mindful practice that involves finding a comfortable seated position, closing your eyes and finding your breath. Meditation can be difficult for beginners who don’t know how to “stop thinking”. The process becomes much simpler when we instead focus on our breath. Because that’s easier said than done, today we’ll run through our …

Be Happy like a Stoic: Find Inner Peace & Live your Best Life

Most people want to be happy. It’s one of our main goals in life. Happiness is attainable for anyone, and it’s within our grasp right now. But a lot of us overthink it. Achieving happiness really just comes down to your mindset. And before we get started with this post, I want to pose a …

How to Achieve your Goals with the Bullet Journal

In our last post, we discussed how to become more mindful and productive using the Bullet Journal system. We also mentioned the idea of the Custom Collection, personalised sections of your BuJo dedicated to specific purposes.  One of the most common custom collections is the goals collection, which helps plan for every goal from the …