Unlock Tranquility & Objectivity with Stoic Cognitive Distancing

It probably won’t surprise you that the ancient Stoics aimed to treat their thoughts objectively. They developed the concept of cognitive distancing and taught others to do the same. Stoic cognitive distancing starts with negative visualisation and employs a method nearly indistinguishable from modern CBT. Today we’ll run through the idea developed in Stoicism and …

Master your Morning & Evening Routine with the Ancient Stoics

The Stoics were known for following a rational philosophy with the ultimate goal of living a virtuous life. Today we’ll use some examples from the ancient philosophers to outline a typical Stoic morning and evening routine. Read on to learn how the ancient Stoics planned their typical mornings and evenings. Approaching mornings like a Stoic …

Calm Your Anxiety & Manage Stress Better with Mindfulness

I suffered from anxiety most of my life. Prone to overthinking, I focused on things outside my control like the opinions people had about me. I constantly felt like I was treated poorly and deserved better. As a result, I over-worked myself and often felt like I didn’t deserve better. While personal development was clear …

Become Indifferent to Impressions with Stoic Katalepsis

The Stoics taught that our interpretations of reality are not the same as reality itself. In fact, we can develop strong emotions about things that are actually not so terrible or that haven’t even happened. The Stoics argued that nothing is good or bad. Instead, it is our interpretations that are good or bad. Oftentimes …

Conquer Death with the Philosophy of Ancient Stoicism

Stoicism teaches self-control and fortitude as a means of overcoming destructive emotions. The philosophy holds that thinking clearly allows one to understand the universal reason (logos). With this approach they sought to understand death, the greatest fear many people have. With a handful of my favourite Stoic quotes, we can understand what the Stoics really …

Stoicism Helped me Start this Website: Goals & Achievements

After years of wanting to build my own website but not knowing where to begin, I finally started Mind & Practice in August 2020.  I’ve been interested in writing since I was a kid, but for a long time I felt like it was just a hobby I’d someday outgrow. After all, why would anyone …

Wake up early: Advice from Stoic Marcus Aurelius

Waking up early is something that I’ve always struggled with personally. I’ve had good periods over the past few years where I was excited to wake up and work on my latest project. I even noticed an impact in my morning routine after reading Hal Elrod’s Miracle Morning. But there was another great thinker whose …

Life Should Be Challenging: The Obstacle is the Way

We often find ourselves complaining about things that aren’t perfect in our lives. However, the Stoics took a more rational approach to obstacles.  After all, when we look back, we often find that our biggest challenges made us into who we are today. The challenges, which we dreaded so much at the time, are what …

The Importance of Kindness: Stoic Interconnectedness

My journey to Stoicism started in early 2020 as a result of stress I was experiencing from a seemingly never-ending workload. I had never experienced anything so mentally demanding and draining before then. It seemed like no matter how late I stayed at the office, I could never catch up on everything that had to …